Red Squirrel


Phi-ve Hundred!

I had something in mind for my 500th blip and knew it was going to be a challenge to get it right. What I hadn't planned was coming home from work early with groggy spells, queasy stomach, hot and cold flushes, stomach ache, heavy eyes and a headache! Seems I've picked up a bug that's going round at work, and I feel like shit pretty rotten :(

I'd used binary representation for my 365 and had racked my brains about how to do the 500 in a novel way - eventually I decided on the Phi symbol, used by the ancient Greeks to represent that value.

I really didn't feel much like faffing about getting this blip done - but I gave it all I could and this was the best of the shots.

Somehow I doubt I'll be at work tomorrow!

Edit on Thursday: I'm off work today, just as I promised Emy I would. This bug had been creeping upon me for a few days, I think it finally hit its peak yesterday - so I've been feeling a bit yukky and have been a bit remiss in looking at and commenting on other blippers for a couple of days now. Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts for this blip, and I'll catch up with y'all in the next few days xx

2nd edit: Just discovered this blip has hit Spotlight - my 3rd time. Thanks so much! xx

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