Further adventures of intrepid giraffe hunting

Calm quiet start to the day.
Jobs done
The children played upstairs for ages- getting on brilliantly with no arguing.


Waited for daddy to get home from shooting then we headed out for another giraffe hunt.
Met grandma and headed to the little ferry that would take us over the river to the other side. Giraffe done, walked down to Diglis basin to see another one then back up the other way till we were back at the cathedral.

Drinks at the cathedral and then we walked through the centre to see two more we hadn’t seen.

Promised the children they could have a run in the water fountains - Munchie loved it. Wom too.

Dried them off
Tried to see another giraffe but couldn’t park so rather than mess about we headed home.
Tea was cooked as we got home.

Warm baths all round

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