Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Packed up all our soggy wet things. Toby was getting irate with the others lack of co-operation whilst he was trying to organise them to play a football match. All the adults were too busy taking down tents to intervene so there was a lot of squabbling :0(

The others headed straight off but we decided to go over to Carding Mill valley for a walk. Mike was concerned that Gertys 28 yr old engine had blown as a lot of blue smoke belched out, but after a break and checking the oil and some googling we think it was as a result of engine braking down the very steep hills as all seemed well on the way home. A reminder that she is an old girl and to take it easy!

Home late arvo. Loads of soggy wet camping gear to sort! Pleased to see the horses. Lime was lame on Thursday p.m. I jumped straight to conclusions that it's his ligament injury playing up again. Vet was a bit vague when he saw him Friday (he was booked in for his annual jabs anyway) and tonight trotting down for his feed he looked OK. Could have just tweaked something in the football field. He's not going in there for now.

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