An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Spider alert!

It's only a very tiny spider (less than 5mm) and I couldn't get around to it's front, so this is it's underside view instead.

This is not the same spider I was trying to photograph yesterday - I still couldn't get that one in focus! (the web just moved too much). Photographing a spider on it's web is quite a challenge, as it's constantly going in and out of focus and I kept having to try to move the camera in time with the breeze blowing the web backwards and forwards... so this is not as sharp as it could be on a perfect still day, but we don't get so many of those in Melbourne! (being in the Roaring Forties)

Posting this early to try to stop myself from going out into the garden yet again trying to get something better... I have work to do!

Bigger spider if you dare!

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