
By GingerNan

My time here IS coming to an end.!!!

I have been promising a 'nurse' here tis!!! I am being discharged tomorrow!!! I'm not 100% sure whether its onto a flight, or to a hotel for couple days! Latest email from Insurance company has 2 of us Business class to ChCh on Saturday. A. Will be my carer on she gets to go Business class too!!! However things pan out, look like I will be home in NZ at the latest by early next week........I really did not think this day was going to come. I am feeling very well, still got some stitches to come out, but all good.
These nurses are lovely, and I am sure their English has gained from some interesting chats/ charades/ laughs etc etc to get idea across.
I continue to appreciate your care and comments. I look forward to getting back to commenting. Thankyou all so much..........

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