
By tookie

Stone Reflections

It's been an entire day of reflections....reading fellow blipper's sites today, as I catch up from being gone this weekend, I found myself quite moved and just wanting to sit back and reflect upon their thoughts. There have been many losses of late for well as just having the day of remembrance aka veterans day here. Blips from those having lost very very close loved ones are so moving and so sad too. A time for contemplation it seems for me.

Also I did a long warm water pool workout and a PT sessions later so my knee really had a workout today. But I have actually seen some progress in terms of the flexibliity of the knee so this is good! I do see some progress and celebrated with a trip to the botanical gardens..and a small walk there.

So today, again, ends with reflective thoughts and hugs going out to all my blipper friend who have lost loved ones and who hold them dear these days. This is a blip for all of you and you know who you are.

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