Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Aotea Rower

Well I sure was surprised this morning as I wandered up to check The Boss at 5.30 and he responded by leaping er...Falling out of bed and into the bathroom. Shortly after all that we were in Suzz with all the camera gear and away. Not even Grub! And to add insult to all this we only drove to the lake front and he was admiring the lovely red sky and stopping. While he was trying to shoot the sky with a foreground of ducks, a bloke walks across the road towards us carrying a Rowing Skiff. Had this happened at home I am obliged to go completely spare as when I was a pup I was scared badly by a kayak and the appearance of this at home as the bloke goes down the strip of lane behind our place would generate furious activity and much barking (not the stars sort) to ward off evil spirits lurking in that thing he is carrying on his head BUT at the lake front it was all a big yawn. The boss noticed his arrival and stopped shooting ducks, patiently waiting while he fiddled about and finally got ship shape. The camera made a lot of thunking noises and we went home where The Boss considered he had earned a cooked breakfast so in the absence of The Bossess he cooked one which was dully worked off on the mountain. No need to call the food police...OK?

Bigger Rower

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