Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Jeddly Wiggins

Last night I got my bike out of the shed for the first time in ages. Both tyres were down. Graham pumped them up and then released the valve. He said the front tyre had gone down so I rushed to the shop for another inner tube. I needed a thin one but the lady in the shop only had one a size up and said it would be okay so I took it and Graham moaned that it wasn't right (it wasn' was way too wide) so I took it back to the shop and got a puncture repair kit instead. Then Graham had to search for the puncture in a sink of water....only there wasn't one!! I think he'd just released all the air he'd put in when he took the pump off....and this from a man who has cycled all across India, China and Pakistan!!!! He wasn't in a good mood...but I don't do tyres and bike stuff so THANKS GRAHAM. This morning both tyres still fine. I got the bike out....Jed jumped on it. I took the boys to school and then rode nine miles to my friend's house. Here at Cathy's now, having a brew. Got to cycle nine miles home yet....mainly up hill. My legs are strong but ooooo mi bum!!!

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