My Friend

We did lots of little things today, this, that, the other. But not a one of them really meant a thing as this afternoon we went to the Intensive Care Unit to say goodbye to our Uncle Tony. 
The doctors have said that despite him now starting to make his own platelets the damage to his lungs is just too severe and the inevitable is now oh so sadly indeed inevitable. He's done his absolute best, stayed positive and brave to the very end, but today he decided to come off the ventilator. Surrounded by love he's started his final journey.

He's always been Uncle Tony. I'd pick up the ringing phone and that's how he'd introduce himself..  I don't know any other Tony's. And to be fair that's what we've always called him too - a sort of double barrelled name. And yet, that's not how I've ever thought of him, it's just a name game. For as long as I can remember, even as a little boy, he's been my friend, the highest praise my heart can give. Not some arbitrary genetic link, but someone who I've wanted, enjoyed and loved having in my life, someone who always made things better simply by being. He's been the laughter in the background, the constant ready help, the gentle guiding counsel. I'll miss him immensely.
Sometime soon he'll slip away, now at peace, ready for the next great adventure. 

Au revoir my Friend, travel well. 

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