Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Poorly boy, honest

So we had no more vomit during the night but a fairly disturbed night between 2am and 6am. That resulted in having my hair and back stroked a lot by W during the night, lovely as that is I would have swopped it for a full nights sleep.

After school drop we walked into town, well W was in the buggy because I didn't fancy the chances of having vomit down my back if he was in the sling! A few jobs later he demanded something to eat so we got a free coffee (thank you O2) and a croissant each. In between mouthfuls W decided to entertain the passers by. The old lady on the table next to us complimented me on his manners and how good his speech is and how polite he was! Lovely to hear and that is from a woman who told me she had 4 boys.

He fell asleep on the way home so it could be a late bedtime tonight. But we also managed to get to Stevenage so I could buy toeless tights and confetti for the weekend. Plus a trip to ToysRus meant that FC's presents are sourced and purchased.

Now we just have to work out how to get C to her ballet without W melting down when he is told he can't go and also finding a Mum I can leave in charge of C (should she need the toilet mid class, which has never happened yet to be fair) while I wander round Hitchin for half an hour to keep W out of the way of the other kids. Wish me luck.

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