
By AnnieBScotland



katie is on holiday today and wanted to go shopping for work clothes so off we set to the Designer Outlet, when only 10 minutes out of town I clipped a deer!!! It has never happened to me before, a group of three quite small - roe? - deer ran straight out only feet in front of the car. I must have seen the first one out of the corner of my eye and started to brake, but clipped the second one with the right front of the car. Shaken, stopped to examine for damage, and - apart from lots of white hair there didn't seem to be any, and no sign of any injured deer in the road.

We carried on, and Katie made a good haul of work suits in one shop, then back home just in time to go to Yogalates - needed the relaxation - while Katie swanned off for lunch with some pals. my nice mechanic Joe, at Fast Eddie's, gave the car the once over and said all was well, so hopefully the deer was OK too.

Aquafit cancelled so plan a lazy evening. maybe some OU stuff - oh - got 88% in the first test - or maybe some sorting of photos.

the weekly challenge is 'strap' and this will be my entry, taken at the shopping centre today!!

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