Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Duck Hospital

The last 2 days (since the glamour shoot) Timmy, the drake duckling that was having trouble when he first arrive, has not been able to walk on his legs. He was scuttling around on the equivalent of his elbows. I was hoping he was just stressed and therefore unable to fully stand, but I decided to bring him in and set up a little area for him to rest, since he was trying to keep up with the flock and it was tuckering him out just moving from a to b. I also brought Amber in (named that because her bill is oddly yellow instead of black like all the other ladies). She got a cut on one of her feet and has been hobbling around. I figured she could use the rest and she'd be company for Timmy, since ducks are not fans of being alone. Giving Timmy lots of added vitamins/B3 and treats to make his hospital stay not so bad.

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