"Lend me your ears

...and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key"

The Beatles

Nora Jo, her parents and her grandparents, my brother and sister in law, are headed to Machiasport today for a vacation together. That little one is going to have a fabulous time, last year she was just a wee one, now she's and active and curious 15 month old. So far, I hear she's holding up well for on the 7 hour drive. It's the first time her car seat has been facing forward and she seems to be enjoying the sights. 

For the Record,
This day came in as most of July and August, hazy, hot and very humid. There is a whisper from the weather folks that next week might be cooler.

All hands watching the Omarosa circus. As the Huffington Post said today, "Loudmouth meets his match." Two whackos.

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