Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Saved by a hot air balloon! 
I was out on my patio taking photos of my little tomatos and other veggies, wondering what to blip today.  Then I saw a car with a trailer followed by another car, pulling up by the bus stop. Nothing unusual with that, except it said 'Upplands ballongflyg' on the trailer. 'Ballongflyg' is kind of hot air ballon flight... Someone flying with hot air balloons... Uppland is the area in which I live. :) I thought wait, what? And when they started to unpack the trailer - after some talking on mobiles and just standing around. I must admit I got a bit excited when I understood what was going on! Never seen an hot air balloon up close before! I charged the DSLR batteries, so they wouldn't die on me outside and went out to a good spot and then just watched as they filled her (it) with air and then 'fire' and then lifted from the ground. This caused an audience and I think we all appreciated it very much! I took a lot of photos... :D And of course... got a better blip to share. :)

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