
By cowgirl

Not part of the plan!

It’s the Moggy Rally at Pateley Bridge in North Yorkshire this weekend. We drove up in the morning, and half an hour after arriving, we’re off again on the usual jolly. There were 9 of us out for a drive. Sadly only 8 made it back ... Myfanwy broke down :-(

Luckily someone had a trailer and they came back to get us. The guys then spent the rest of the weekend checking and changing various parts ( some were spares that other people had, some were parts whipped off another car’s engine just to try to see if it worked! ) but to no avail.

We gave up for the day and moved on to the bbq and entertainment for the evening. Luckily the latter was in a marquee, as the heavens opened and it rained all night!

The extras show the other cars and one of the lovely blokes trying to help us.

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