Squared off
Lots ticked off the to-do list today. Including this shot. I've been driving by the end of this path four times a day all week, meaning to find an opportunity to stop and take a picture. It felt like it suited a claustrophobic square crop. I still, despite all the research, haven't passed it at quite the right time of day, but I fear if I wait any longer I'll miss autumn altogether.
Teaching this morning was barely-managed chaos. I am losing my oldest class (they are going to far better place - a proper teacher at the high school up the road!) which is a shame as they were a lot of fun, but I'm not taking it personally, particularly as it means that there is teaching available there for the 10/11/12 year olds - so I don't have to be shown up for my lack of knowledge on grammar as I struggle through a 'proper' curriculum. Somehow today I was manoeuvred into volunteering for lunchtime English conversation classes. And was persuaded into doing a Christmas song with the kids to be premiered at the Christmas Spectacle. Hmmm. Tricky. I know lots of Christmas songs - but how to find one easy enough for kids who have trouble remembering 'cat' and 'dog'? I would love to do 'When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney' because it's funny and has lots of acting in it, but will probably end up with Jingle Bells so they can ring bells all the time to drown out the spectacular lack of singing. I have, however, persuaded the Head that she will have to join in!
All of that was quite overwhelming for one morning, so the afternoon has been a haze of low-key household jobs. And making a cushion cover from a blanket. The kids were beyond impressed. One day they will learn that there is no skill in sewing on a machine in straight lines and will see right through me. But for now I'm happy to be super-mam.
Well. Almost. Despite my best efforts, Conor has not learned his poem. Despite nagging throughout the holidays, he left it until the night before it was due. This has been done before, and surmounted, but tonight the poem was just too hard. Serves us right for our lazy relaxing holiday. Now we must pay...
And I've lost my plinking sheers. How am I supposed to cope with Christmas without them?
EDIT: Note to self: 23 degrees today, warm enough to have a little sit outside and enjoy the sun. Bees and butterflies still busy.
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