At last reddish Tomatoes

Pilates this morning. I found muscles in my legs that have never been found in years. Jay the instructor got us to put our shins on a roller and I found it absolutely unbearable the pain was so intense. I decided my shins are the only thin part of my body!!!!
I went over to Kate and John's this afternoon as my nephew Stephen and his wife and family are over from Dubai. Spent a lovely hour with them and Oscar and his mum and dad.
When I got home Matt, Jade and Sahara were here. Sahara is getting more used to coming to my house, she did cry so I walked her around the garden. I showed her the flowers , tomatoes and beans. This is my first bean in the extra. I let her hold it and of course it went into her mouth but unfortunately she did push it in a bit far which  made her cry!! She had a carrot instead.
Thank you for the stars, comments and hearts on the beautiful dahlia yesterday. 

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