On these hot days, the best moment is when, on first waking, I fling open* the windows to let in the cool air. Well, ok, these very best moment is when I collapse back into bed for some quality time with my book/the Archers podcast in the cool breeze before facing the day. This morning, much to my surprise, the morning reverie was broken by gardening sounds: after promising to do so the whole summer, CarbBoy actually got up early to water the bamboo.
* Ease open really, rather than fling open, for fear of incurring the wrath of a woken-before-her-time TallGirl.
Later, there was voluntary hoovering, willing accompaniment to the tip for more compost, and some wheelbarrowing of soil to the olive tree.
And later still I finally tackled the elephant in the freezer and made a start on the marmalade. In between, there was work, being very firm with a man about what commercial law is, and a bit of weeding.
I should note for the record that I found TallGirl a flying ant a few days ago - who has now chewed off her wings and settled down to lay a bunch of eggs, who will eventually hatch to be her slaves. She hopes.
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