Abstract Thursday : : Repetition
The repetition of the leaves on these Chinese Pistache trees have always fascinated me. I overexposed the image to make it a little more abstract. Ozzie and I walked through Skyhawk, the subdivision where Dana lives this morning. We were both in the mood for sidewalks and well mannered gardens this morning.
While the theme song for our neighborhood is chainsaws and mowers as people cut down dead trees, remove branches that are close to the ground or too close to the houses and mow the dry grass from property lines, the folks in Skyhawk are taking out their thirsty lawns and putting in xeriscapes--landscaping with drought tolerant plants. I suspect that the driving force for each area is water. We all have wells...those on the creek side of the street can even take water from it for their gardens...while the people in Skyhawk have to pay for their water. Our water comes from the aquifer, while the city water comes from reservoirs, but ultimately it all comes from the same place and the rules of its use will probably have to change....someday.
We will be taking a leave of absence from our wonderful Kathy as she will be having surgery on Monday and will need several weeks to recover. In true form she spent our hour with us today showing us things we could should do own our own, and we, in true form will probably not do them. But if doing them will help her recover more quickly and easily, I think we would both make the sacrifice. In any case, our best wishes and good thoughts will certainly be with her.
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