Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Little bump

Henry is almost better now. Still very dribbly but I think that's more to do with the 3 new teeth he's sprouted while he's been ill! He was a little terror for Neil last night, just pointing at the door wanting me from 11pm but I didn't finish work until midnight. When I got back I cuddled him in bed hoping he'd go to sleep but he just pointed at the door wanting Neil!

This morning he launched himself off the bed and face first onto the carpet - luckily only about a foot in distance but has bumped his head and split his lip again.

He's had a lovely day with my parents today and went to feed the ducks - well my mum and dad fed the ducks and Henry fed himself stale bread! Funny boy.

Today's blip is courtesy of Neil as I am at work until midnight - Henry loves these sunglasses and spends ages playing peekaboo with them - I don't think he realises we can see him when he's wearing them!

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