Silver linings

Coming home early from our Irish holiday meant I got the full benefit of these lilies in their pots.

Chris, Ailie and I set out for a walk up Simonside but had to return as Ailie felt faint. Apparently this happens occasionally, when her blood pressure went too low. We had coffee and a Ringtons biscuit at Chris’s and she felt fine.

And would you believe it? Mr C got a phone call from Travcour saying when they went to collect our passports to re-apply for visas - they came back with visas! They are in the post to us they say. So pleased and (trying not to be peeved about all the stress and the fact we’d lost 2 weeks of our Irish holiday for what turns out to be no reason). Now I’m off to read up on the Karakoram, Nanga Parbat, Hunza and enjoy the anticipation of another adventure.

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