A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Caught in the whirr.

Noun 1. whirr - sound of something in rapid motion; "whir of a bird's wings"; "the whir of the propellers"

Whoosh works well too, I feel.

Anyway, learning this week to not get too caught up in the busy-ness of life - head stuck in the books while everything else happens around me.

It has been lovely to spend time with different people throughout the week, having opportunities to discuss worries or concerns, share encouragements and really just "do life" with each other.

Fellowship group last night was particularly wonderful - new faces, friendly faces and a helpful challenge and reminder :)

Tesco for groceries.
Back to flat to hoover and do some admin-y things.
Laundry in the machine (yes - the machine is actually going in the photo!)
Tomato soup for lunch :)
Uni to read and study.
Mairi the wonderful study-buddy!
Away in the manger in the background in uni (a capella at one point, too!)
CU discussions.

It's been good :) Even if I never did get out early enough to go swimming at the start of it all!

Good night, folks :)

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