As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

Tolovana looking south

At the south end of Cannon Beach is the Tolovana wayside and one of the best spots to go on the beach and then walk up to Haystack Rock. This is not the famous rock, that is to the north, nor are they the needles, those are north as well, these are the rocks to the south. The furthest is, I believe, Silver point rock, but do not hold me to that.

I called my dad today and said "Come watch the sunset and have dinner at the beach. He and the lovely C did! They met me at the cove after work and we drove down to Cannon Beach. We wandered on the beach for a bit and then had an early dinner. They are now well on their way back to Vancouver.

I am suddenly very glad the weekend is approaching. It has been a long work week.

Happy Blipping!

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