
By dennismccoy79


We went to lunch today with P and J and some American friends. Daftie was there too.  Later, Dafty tweeted ,  "When I saved my humans from the human shelter I was told that they need to eat three times a day, disgusting.   So I let them take me to the Moulin for their meal number two today. I think they call it lunch, but it's hard to tell. The noises they make sound like so much "woof, woof" to me.  Anyway, I stood dutifully at the door of the car so that the bearded one would know that he was to drive us all to Martel.  They are so easily manipulated, these humans. When we got there all I wanted to do was sniff around.  But I could smell their hunger and I thought we should get them fed.  Your life is not your own when you have humans to look after.  I lay quietly on the floor while they got on with it, honestly, the noise they make munching and slurping and laughing. I just kept my head down and hoped that none of my doggy friends would see us.  I had to put my paws up on the table a few times and have a look, just to make sure that they were alright.  There was food and wine everywhere.  I think I will have to send them to some training classes with the human whisperer.  One meal a day from a bowl on the floor should be enough for anybody."

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