Work in the morning was fine, Desi and I got all the delivery done, even if I was tired. Home and I got the washing out and then went out for a nice long walk. I met this very pretty cat sat on a high wall who I could just reach up to tickle.
I got home and just put pasta into the boiling water when the care home called to say Jeanie had had a fall and I needed to get there asap. She has had another of those days where she has forgotten that she uses a wheelchair, and kept getting up and wandering.and this time fell in a doorway and cut open the back of her head. I arrived and there were two ambulances, she was drenched in blood and in a huge panicked state. The paramedics were doing their best to calm her while staple her head back she lashed out, physically and verbally.At first, she was relieved to see me but a switch clicked and then I was also the enemy...One of the paramedics joined me and pushed Jeanie  around the garden as I said that often calms her down, (luckily it was a warm evening). She calmed a little, although she still kept up the tirade of hating me and wishing me dead so I came away soon after the paramedics left. The carers were going to keep her in the office while they did paperwork and she would be checked on every 15 minutes for the next 24 hours. What an evening!

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