The Manor

It was a full day at Waddesdon Manor for me, starting with the morning in the House helping visitors get the most from their visit. Then I switched into the outdoor mode where I was meeting and greeting off the buses. Waddesdon car park is a fair distance from the House and there is a frequent circuit of buses to bring visitors up to the 'top'. There were three buses going round and round today so no one had to wait more than 5/10 minutes for the next one. The bus drivers are all very good humoured so the time passed very quickly.

There was a constant stream of people arriving - some to meet up with friends and family for picnics in the grounds and some to look round the property. All seemed to leave happy with their day.

Working from 10.30 through to 5 with very little break was tiring - on my feet the whole time although not walking huge distances. I paused on my way in first thing to capture the reflection of the fountain in the parked bendy bus; this is only used when the normal sized buses can't manage the numbers so today it remained parked up.

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