
By PaulaJ

We have . . .

. . . rather a large collection of CDs and we still play them. We have iPods and use them in our own rooms and when travelling, but our main listening is from CDs. And we still buy them. I suppose the day will come when we go completely digital, but it's not yet.

Once in a blue moon When the drawers of the CD unit are full and the CDs are overflowing Every so often, we have a complete sort out and those we aren't using go upstairs. Today I decided was one of those days.

I used my collection of buttons for 100 blips; now I am using our collection of CDs for 200 blips. Carefully counted out - 200 CDs. Put down at random, I think they reflect an eclectic taste in music!

200 blips
I really can't believe I have made it this far, but it seems I have. I am not going to repeat all I said at 100, simply to reiterate that I love the quality environment of Blip and I appreciate the positive community it promotes. Above everything, I enjoy the daily contact with people whom I regard as my friends; people from all over the country and all over the world. I appreciate you dropping by and spending a few minutes each day with me. I really enjoy sharing your ups and downs, joys and sorrows, your interests, your experiences, your worlds.

I'm not sure that my photographic skills are improving as quickly as they might, but I enjoy the challenge that a daily photo brings. My blips are a mix of all sorts, but I try to ensure that each one reflects a particular moment in a particular day. Not always easy, but that is the aim anyway.

I think I am here for the long haul now. Let's continue the journey together.

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