Tulip Beer

It is a beer can, but there's a tulip bulb inside, and there are instructions on what to do.  I'll be mailing it to a nice little girl somewhere, with some Dutch goodies thrown in as well.

Updated my bookkeeping, did the supermarket errands, put some things away.  Napped a bit, gamed a bit.

AW's back has improved tremendously.  There's still some pain when he makes certain movements but he can now walk straight and more quickly.  I think it was good that I went away for half a week as he didn't have to take me into consideration for anything, could sleep and wake up whenever he felt like it, wasn't bothered by anything.

The weather has cooled down considerably.  It's a little funny because now it's AW who's feeling a little chilly while I'm still quite warm.

Maybe a nice time to tell you that I'll be hosting Mono Monday in September!  It appears that Skeena's on some kind of Blip Leave and Laurie54 is doing it this month (Nikki last month?), so I volunteered for next month.  I already have some ideas, but if some of you have some theme preferences, I'll have something to rethink about.  We shall see ...

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