Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

I Can See

Today I had a trip to the hospital.

To the Ophthalmology department, it was my check up.

I stress over this appointment because I am rubbish at getting drops put in my eyes. I am light sensitive so the bright lights they shine in my eyes is never good and I struggle to keep the open. And even worse they have to check the pressures which means they use tonometry a thing that has to touch my eye *shudders* (yes is worse than the puff test at the opticians).

Anyway my visual fields are fine. I was hoping that it that it was all going to be fine and this years check up was going to say it was all a blip and nothing more to worry about and I would be discharged. But I still have interocular hypertension though currently it is doing no damage to my optic nerve and the pressure isnt too high so no treatment is needed.

I have to go back next year, they still want to keep an eye on it. So at the moment not going blind (well as long as I wear my glasses, but I am short sighted) so I can breath a sigh of relief but I am sure next year I will start stressing about the appointment and worry if I am going to go blind.

But for the moment I can see.

So everyone look after those eyes and if you dont have regular check ups maybe its time to go see the optician


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