
I called in sick this morning. 

Last night I decided it was the thing to do. I slept well and felt better than expected when I got up, but not 100%. I almost changed my mind, and then remembered I’m not self employed any more. 

Like yesterday I decided getting out for an hour or so plus some sea air would be positive, and it was. The warm sunshine helped! 

I went in the Kinghorn direction this time (south instead of north) and found plenty Blip possibilities. Tonight’s decision has been which one to use, and whether any of the others were worth using as Extras. 

The big event of the day was losing internet (and phone) service sometime in the early afternoon. It was still down at bedtime. I suspect the cable TV service was down too, but I haven’t used it for years. I’ve been using the same supplier ever since we moved into the house in 1999, with (touch wood) superb reliability.

I worked from home for 11 years and was totally reliant on it - I had a back up plan but used it so rarely I don’t remember what it was! These days it’s the office, but in the late evening the thought of jumping in the car to drive over there just to Blip wasn’t appealing. 

I do have the i-Phone app, but my photos were on the MacBook by then. Anyways, the signal at home isn’t wonderful. Like most of rural Scotland, to get 4G I have to go upstairs and stand on tiptoe. (Yes, Westminster retains power over telecommunications - if anything around here is a bit 3rd World or 20th Century, that is usually the explanation). 

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