Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


I've not left the house today, I thought about 2pm "what on earth can I blip today?" But since then, I've gone a bit click happy and now sitting down to do it I've struggled to choose just one. I spent much of the afternoon looking out of our bedroom window (neighbourhood watch?? Me??) looking at the stupid neighbours trying to go out in their cars. At one point the street was blocked as 3 cars were just wheel spinning. Most of the men in the street were out trying to move them all with no luck.

This photo is of my next door neighbours car, they've been away for a couple of weeks, so the car hasn't moved since the snow started. You can see at the front how deep it is, though a lot had melted by today. I reckon he too would get rather stuck if he tried to get out!

Today's rejects
Pink Fluffy Clouds
Moon over Snowy Roof
Snowy Street
2 Cars Stuck!

I thought not bad for an afternoon of being nosey!

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