Wine stop

We set off this morning to find a village called Letymvou because it said in the villa handbook that you can see a traditional Cypriot sweet called Soutzoukos being made.

We arrived to a sleepy practically closed looking village and drove through it. We had decided that we might as well turn back when we spotted a sign to a boutique winery. So we stopped there.

What a great little find! They make wine only with the grapes picked from the family vineyards. Their white wine has won a bronze decanter award. The men running it talked us through the wine making process and told us that their vines are over 100 years old.

After we had tasted the wine (and bought a few bottles for the villa) I asked him if he knew about the sweet maker. He gave us a huge grin and said "My mum makes those! Wait here!".

He came back with a string of sweets and a plate to try them. He told us how she makes them by boiling the grape juice and dipping strings of almonds into the juice five times.

They were delicious. He gave us some as a gift to bring away with us.

Such lovely people.

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