South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Heading towards the lawn

I took photos of this with my 'proper' camera and then remembered I have lost the SD card dongle that goes with my iPad. So I took another photo with my phone! It's really annoying as I took some nice camera photos round the village a couple of days ago and can't post them. I thought I would find the dongle when we rearranged the furniture yesterday, but no!

We have been busy sorting out boxes in the bedroom today. We have also put away and rearranged some of our clothes. It has been surprising that things have fitted in so well. The fitted storage has obviously been well planned by the previous owners.

The sitting room is really looking like home despite a couple of boxes still hanging around. The furniture rearrangement has given more space and all the seats are now available to sit on, which is useful!

I really love our little house :-)

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