Table top mountain

When in Capetown with my lovely daughter, partner and Principal I got a tick about calling Table Mountain Table TOP mountain.

It’s never been forgotten. But this is the Bati table top this evening. Haricot beans drying; nectarines from the bbq, a radicchio and melon from garden, hat and mosquito tennis racket that ain’t never worked.

I’ve been sorting logs in the big field and pulling brambles. Got up to 34c but autumn’s in the air, the dry clacking of the walnut leaves, appearance of large hover flies, fig leaves yellowing and apples sweeter by the day.

I giorni si accorciano - shorter, innit, the days.

Weather threatens to break but forecasts err on disaster for click bait. We shall see.

The porcupine has broken back in. Climbed a difficult terrace and then dug under the fence. I stuffed to logs in the hole and pray for a better tomorrow.

Single high velocity shots ring out in early night. The frenzy of la caccia (hunting wild boar, deer, woodcock) nears each day.

I’ll be buying a hi viz hat.

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