
By HarrietGeorgina


About ten minutes after taking this, this kind old lady (who I later found out to be called Rose) asked if I would mind taking a photo of her and her dog and then sending it on to her. Obviously I said it wasn't a problem at all and proceeded to take a couple of non-candid shots. This one is still my favourite though; notice that her legs are too short for her feet to touch the ground.

Tues 20th Nov - AC506 (Financial accounting II) in-class test
Thurs 22nd Nov - AC520 (Management accounting) VLE test
Fri 23rd Nov - CB343 (Global business management) essay deadline

Each week until the end of term resembles a structure similar to that of next weeks... doesn't allow much time to get into the Christmas spirit! Nevertheless, the work must be done and so I've spent most of today pouring over textbooks and trying to get myself in order. Around 2pm, I thought that I deserved a little break though, so quickly put in a load of washing and then headed in the direction of Riverside Country Park. Nothing like some fresh air and a brisk 3 mile walk to prepare you for the next bought of revision!!

Fingers crossed that this will be my last Bench/B&W shot for a while, I'm hoping the dismal weather will clear up tomorrow and allow me to take something bright and colourful!

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