Pandemic Legacy, Season 1, February, 2nd Attempt

It's been a while since the last time we played Pandemic Legacy, due to the holidays. But today we played our second attempt at February.
Since we lost last time in February, we where eager to get it right this time, so we left nothing to chance and with a bit of luck pulled it of almost perfectly. We focused on the following things :
- Using the characters as optimal as possible, certainly the Quarantine Specialist, the Medic and the Dispatcher, even as the relationships between them, which allowed interesting extra's (as in extra actions etc.)
- Choosing the most interesting funded event cards (5, due to our loss last time and that we played with 5 characters) and using them as soon as a good opportunity presented itself
- Quarantining a lot of cities whenever there are actions unused. Because of this we only had 2 outbreaks.
- Skipping turns when it mattered the most (in a 5/6 player game each character may skip one time and no two players right after one another).
As we reached the goal for february in 4 quick rounds (cure 3 diseases), we had a lot of time left for some talking among friends, which is at least as nice as playing games together.
As a win bonus for february we can put one quarantine marker on the board in the beginning of the game.
As end game upgrades we chose the following :
- Rihanna the Quarantine specialist may look at the 2 top infection cards at the start of her turn (which can help her to determine where to place the quarantine markers)
- Because we eradicated the blue virus we could chose a positive mutation-level 1 for this virus (We no longer need to be in a research station to discover a cure for this disease).
Up to the next game.

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