1397. WildWed 125 - Autumnal Tree
My dear friend and former fellow Blipper, Paula has inspired my creativity in so many ways and has continued to encourage my drawing and painting over a long period of time....she is doing a 365 painting a day challenge that she set herself and she has the most amazing ideas and executes them with such precision and clarity that I am in total awe of her artistic abilities....she often creates paintings in minutes....so here is my effort in under 10 minutes at painting a simple water colour....it was inspired by a painting I saw in an art gallery yesterday and I loved the way that the tree was bending and I thought it might make me think about how to create movement in the image...not sure if it worked....but thank you Paula for helping me do this with your support, kind words and those wonderful compact water colour paints you sent me!
I thought this would also pass for Cailleach's Wild Wednesday challenge too.....well at a stretch....
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