Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

You know it's not good when at 2.55am your house phone goes.

It was Mum to say she had a paramedic with her as she was experiencing excrutiating chest pains, and had been sick. At first she thought it was indigestion as this has happened before and once she has been sick it has elievated the pain. But not this time.
Sped round to Mum' s to see the paramedic administering her with medication, and her rigged up to a heart monitor. The ambulance turned up and off we went to the Royal. Steven and Kelly followed in the car while I went in the ambulance.

Lots of tests later; ecg, xray's and medication she was kept in and we went home to get some sleep.

Went into work for the morning looking and feeling like a zombie. No point in staying at home and couldn't go up to the hospital.

Lunch time many phone calls with several people then we were told Mum could go home. Left work at 2pm, collected her then back to her flat.

It wasn't a heart attack, and all tests came back clear. Thankfully.
But we still need to get to the bottom of it as it not the first time this has happened. But this was the severest and she is now afraid to eat anything incase it flairs up again.
Hospital appoinments to follow.

The most terrifying 24hrs I have had.

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