From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Ask the Oracle? / Divine Intervention

I worry about everything these days. I always was a bit of a worrier but now I'm worse than ever. I can't help it. I see disaster and expect the worst all the time. My laptop pings announcing the arrival of a new email or the phone rings and I already have my heart in my mouth expecting either a problem or terrible news. I guess it's delayed insecurity and shock after Dad's passing to the great golf course in the sky that's done it.

ANYWAY! Today was full of good news!

I'd found a rotten problem with Discoverer reports in the test environments on Wednesday. I assumed it was something I'd done for no other reason than I just do assume the worst these days! The DBAs (namely Andrew) found missing fixes and put them in and I had to test again this morning. Meanwhile - SPOOKY! - the post man arrived with the card from my Oracle / Discoverer tutor from a few years ago. He'd gone to New York just before Hurricane Sandy hit. The post card took three weeks to get here. I hope DavzoBroon has better luck when he goes there on holiday next week.

The fixes worked fine as you can see on my screen (all error messages before) and the rest of the work day was pretty good. I sorted a few things out. That's just as well as I have three and a half weeks of covering Oracle Sys Admin starting on Monday.

Oh! I completely forgot to go to an Oracle workshop session at Blythe Valley Park. Oh well.. I'd only have had an accident with the drinks dispenser again! Also, Rod Stewart tickets went on sale. I ummed and ahhed for a little while and then got really good tickets in case he pops his clogs in the next couple of years and I'd regret not going! Good day really!

Track? It's not Rod. It's a cracking track from the Rolling Stones about New York....

Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)

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