Rain, what rain?

My friend Loraine, popped in this morning for coffee and then lunch. We've known each other for 21 years, and haven't spoken at length for some time so there was lots of catching up to do. I do miss Loraine.

I feel like it's rained for three weeks. It hasn't of course, but the break in the rain today was welcome. Tom and I had a refreshing walk up the ridge. There were lots of toadstools and mushrooms, I guess from the damp environment. It's hard to believe the grass was brown just a few weeks ago. 
We hadn't been home long when it started to rain again.

Will has gone to the Shambhala music festival in Northamptonshire. Charlotte is preparing to move to her first non student house in Ruislip. Toria is celebrating her 28th birthday today. I spoke to her this evening after she'd consumed two double gin and tonics! She was merry and on her way to food with friends.

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