Dearest Dylan

This is the saddest blip I have posted
Our much loved Dylan died very peacefully today. He was sitting on my wife’s knee.
We are going to miss him so much as he has been a large part of our lives for almost nine years. He was at least two when he came to live with us so he was a pretty old bunny. Dylan spent most of his life with Bandit and they were like a happily married couple. I think he missed Bandit’s company when she died. We took him in most evenings and he just sat there on our knees getting his lovely ears gently massaged.
I’m pretty sure that he had a place in the heart of quite a few Blippers which is why I am posting this.
I would like to think he had a good life with us.
He certainly enriched our lives so much.
We got so much enjoyment just watching him, cuddling up to Bandit, eating our flowers, just being Dylan.

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