The day closes
A day of contrasts. A slower than usual start as I had to go west to assist the neighbouring DHB with a task. And too far to ride, so I used the car. Called in at home on my way to Auckland City Hospital to change from car to pushbike. Not only for the exercise, but much easier to park my bike than the car.
Got back in time for a meeting with HR about job sizing. Its been ten years or more since it was done before, and I have to oversee a review. Followed by a meeting to discuss the unlocking of the doors into and out of the inpatient ward. Both meetings were pleasingly productive of ways forward.
The after lunch meeting about prescribing antipsychotic medication was cancelled (the others couldn't come). Therefore, until a late meeting about a problem with a delayed assessment in ED earlier in the week, and how to try and avoid a repeat, I was able to deal with emails, and some reading for one or more of the projects on the go.
I had hopes of a brilliantly coloured sunset, which failed to materialise. Actually, I think I would probably have preferred this shot an hour before sunset to such a photo.
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