Meet Cranberry - Meeting Karen!

Such a lovely day.

No work so I have visitors instead!

Firstly Karen came to see me for Brunch which was so nice considering she's not particularly local. Once we had eaten, I showed her the Funny Farm and she helped feed the animals. Oh what fun we had. Especially me - watching Cranberry chase her about the field because she had a bucket of sheep nuts!

Thank you Karen for coming.

Then I cooked a curry ready for my evening visitors which included my friend Penny and her Lab and both Daughters Number 1 and 2. Mr W also joined us for an hour before he had a night out with the lads. The girls showed Penny around this time then came back to the table and said "we need to hurry up and buy our Barn"!!!

Once we had eaten (again) we played Bananarama, a type of scrabble but without the board. It was hilarious. I was rubbish with any word longer than a 4 letter word but often won!!!

So its been a great day and I'm really going to miss this place!

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