Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Thursday was a day spent mostly in front of my computer, and mostly editing the many photos I had taken in a number of different locations over the past few days. I think I have now just about caught up.

I went to an organ recital in my church at night, and a rather excellent one it was too, and thought I'd take a photo or two at that for my Blip for the day. As it happened, where I was sitting didn't afford a very photogenic view of the scene so, at the interval, I gave someone in a better viewing location my point-and-shoot camera (set to 'no flash'!) and asked them to take a couple of shots on my behalf.

At the end of the recital I was given my camera back, but it was only after I got home I discovered that, somehow, the lady in question had inadvertently managed to take a 20-second video - mostly of pews and walls, but occasionally panning past the organist - of the occasion.

Rather than fuss about trying to capture a 'still' JPEG from this file, given that it was approaching 10.30pm by the time I noticed it, I resorted to an 'emergency blip' of some of the flowers I received from leading worship at Kildrum Parish Church in Cumbernauld on Sunday. Not what I had in mind for my Blip, but rather colourful nonetheless.

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