a lifetime burning

By Sheol

No pain no ...

I'm off for the Bank Holiday weekend to see my old friend the Bear Town Blues Boy, to drink beer, play blues guitar, talk boll*cks and generally enjoy the Congleton Jazz and Blues Festival with him (the emphasis being very much on the Blues element of the same).  I was his best man, and we invariably have a very entertaining time when we get together, so I'm very much looking forward to it.  As a result I probably will be back blipping.

In preparation I've been rebuilding my guitar effects pedal board (mainly removing and reducing the number of the same).  This little beauty is destined for eBay I suspect.  I love it dearly but its become a bit rare nowadays and is as a result a little too valuable to be able to take to pub gigs, lest it disappear whilst my back is turned.  I rather like this exercise in the very limited depth of field produced by the 105mm macro lens at f8.

Whilst I am away, Cathy has the luxury of being able to please herself and has one or two things planned for the weekend at home without me!

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