Poor Percy

I felt so mean, but being the responsible cat owner I am I had Percy castrated today.
I had to get him to the vets by 8.00 am, and by 10.30am he was ready to come home!!I actually picked him up at 12.30pm and despite being told ‘he might be sleepy’ he has been manic all afternoon!!
I went to Hobbycraft to buy some ribbon after lunch with Ess, Archie and Lulla and while we were there we popped into B&M where I couldn’t resist this cat tent for Percy - he just loves it and spent well over an hour dashing in and out of it tormenting the dogs . I think his favourite was the crinkly bit at the bottom which made a great noise when he rolled on it! Bless him!
So he had to be today’s blip, finally ‘resting’ in his tent!
I will back blip yesterday tomorrow when I get a chance to get on my lap top.

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