
It's the miniMinx's birthday, tomorrow, and at the weekend I was looking for something to give her. Her grand passion is dancing, so I was trying to find an appropriate gift, which is not easy since my knowledge and experience of dancing is primarily limited to dancing in my kitchen. 

However, the Minx found an excellent sweatshirt online, reading 'Eat. Sleep. Dance.', which was perfect variation on a common meme. The only problem was that I couldn't get it delivered in time, plus I've been stung a couple of times by customs and excise recently when ordering from the States. 

But all was not lost! When I started my business in 2004, I joined an organisation called Breakfast Networks International. I'm not sure I'd recommend it, to be honest, but a wonderful spin off was that I met a lot of other people who were growing local businesses. In fact, I'm still friends with three of them to this day.

One of those friends, Paul, runs a company called Coniston Corporate Embroidery. So I dropped him a line to see whether he could help me and at short notice he managed to get the job done. One of his staff lives in Staveley so he arranged for them to take the garment home and I popped 'round to collect it after work. Job done!

And after that it was a drive down to Chorley for a quick swim and then a couple of glasses of wine with Dom at the Station Ale House. Perfect!

-11.4 kgs
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‘A History Of Seven Killings’ by Marlon James

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