Nosy old goat

Began day with usual Saturday morning Parkrun. Was looking for a good time but had to stop early on to help a faller who tripped and hurt her ankle. Still managed a 27 min run so happy with that.

After picking L up from my dads and dropping my sister off I headed home for lunch.

MrsT is out with friend D in Edinburgh for dinner and cocktails so I’m taking L and friend K to the Five Sisters Zoo. We spent the afternoon there in nice sunshine and saw lots of different animals.

This was a West African Pigmy goat that was very friendly.

After seeing the animals, we enjoyed a carousel, shot on the go carts, ice cream and much more before we went for a handling session and got to see a corn snake, Madagascan hissing cockroach and a tenrec up close and personal.

We then went for a play in the park before dropping K off then going for dinner at Ask.

Finished off the evening by playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 with L on the PS4.

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