Head gear......

Modelled at Chislehurst Caves today.

We've had a very happy two days together with the family! Yesterday afternoon when they arrived, was spent here playing improvised tennis and badminton in the garden. When M arrived after work we enjoyed a meal out locally in our high street.

Today we headed for Chiselhurst Caves; somewhere I haven't been for AGES. Since taking our two as young boys even! It was great. Lots I have no recollection of so it was fresh and fascinating. Chilly down there too!

Then onto Eynsford for lunch in The Plough and an attempt at catching something in the fishing nets purchased from The Olde Sweet Shoppe by the road bridge over the ford. No joy with the fishing though.. Far less busy by the river today than when we visited not so long ago when the temperatures were much warmer.....

And now the family have gone home. It's been a very good visit. Good conversations with Oliver, explaining to me how to play Fortnight and with Sophia showing me how to build a Minecraft world...It's a different world from when their dad was growing up and playing on our Commodore 128 with a data cassette......

A bit about the caves:
When the aerial bombardment of London began in September 1940, the caves were used as an air raid shelter. Soon they became an underground city rising to some 15,000 inhabitants (who each paid a penny to enter).[2] The tunnels were fitted with electric lighting, toilets, washing facilities, a chapel was built and also a hospital. The caves were located close to Chislehurst railway station and many people arrived there to then enter the shelter. Shortly after VE Day the shelter was officially closed. One baby, christened Rose Cavena Wakeman, was born in the caves.

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