A perfect day
It was a perfect day for a blipmeet and what a fine day we all had. KangaZu, her hubby PanoArtist, PhotoMatt and SO all gathered by 10 this morning at the Bistro with Nikons in full force. Cameras were pointed in every direction but with special attention on chipmunks, butterflies and hummers. It was such an enjoyable day, spent with such lovely people - a day to remember and one I hated to see end. But plans are underway to meet again ...with wolves next time.
And in the course of the day, we released 8 monarchs, making for 100 for the year thus far. KangaZu and hubby were planning to release one of their this afternoon when they get home.
I was tempted to blip a hummer today, but I'm hoping that Matt, Kanga and/or Richard will take care of the hummer fixes today. Besides, I liked this shot of a freshly emerged male monarch and a startled bumble bee. Kind of a fun shot. And I posted three other shots starting HERE on Flickr - the second Black Swallowtail to emerge yesterday, a gorgeous Admiral butterfly and a hovering male ruby-throated hummingbird. Have a look if you have a minute.
And I also snuck a shot of KangaZu while she was intently waiting for a hummingbird to get into position and I am posting it in Extra (I hope you don't mind, Peggy!)
What a fun day...
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